Convert Raw Video To Compressed Video#

How to use the Transcoder class to convert a raw YUV video file into a compressed video file. The format of the output is configured with an AVBlocks preset.

The code snippets in this article are from the enc_preset_file sample.

Create a Transcoder object#

using (var transcoder = new Transcoder())
    // Transcoder demo mode must be enabled, 
    // in order to use the OEM release for testing (without a valid license).
    transcoder.AllowDemoMode = true;

    // Code that uses Transcoder goes here

Configure inputs and outputs#

Use the MediaSocket class to configure media sockets and the MediaPin class to configure media pins.

Configure video input#

  1. Create and configure a VideoStreamInfo object

  2. Create a MediaPin object and set the MediaPin.StreamInfo property.

  3. Create a MediaSocket object and add the pin to MediaSocket.Pins.

  4. Add the socket to Transcoder.Inputs.

// Configure input
// The input stream frame rate determines the playback speed
var instream = new VideoStreamInfo {
    StreamType = PrimoSoftware.AVBlocks.StreamType.UncompressedVideo,
    FrameRate = opt.YuvFps, 
    FrameWidth = opt.YuvWidth,
    FrameHeight = opt.YuvHeight,
    ColorFormat = opt.YuvColor.Id,
    ScanType = ScanType.Progressive

var inpin = new MediaPin {
    StreamInfo = instream

var insocket = new MediaSocket {
    StreamType = PrimoSoftware.AVBlocks.StreamType.UncompressedVideo,
    File = opt.YuvFile



Configure video output#

  1. Call the MediaSocket.FromPreset static method to create a MediaSocket object for a predefined preset

  2. Set the MediaSocket.File property to the output filename.

  3. Add the socket to Transcoder.Outputs.

// Configure output
var outsocket = MediaSocket.FromPreset(opt.OutputPreset.Name);
outsocket.File = opt.OutputFile;


Run Transcoder#

  1. Call the Transcoder.Open method.

  2. Call the Transcoder.Run method.

  3. Call the Transcoder.Close method.

bool res = transcoder.Open();
PrintError("Open Transcoder", transcoder.Error);
if (!res)
    return false;

res = transcoder.Run();
PrintError("Run Transcoder", transcoder.Error);
if (!res)
    return false;


The complete Encode method#

static bool Encode(Options opt)
    using (var transcoder = new Transcoder())
        // Transcoder demo mode must be enabled, 
        // in order to use the OEM release for testing (without a valid license).
        transcoder.AllowDemoMode = true;

        // Configure input
        // The input stream frame rate determines the playback speed
        var instream = new VideoStreamInfo {
            StreamType = PrimoSoftware.AVBlocks.StreamType.UncompressedVideo,
            FrameRate = opt.YuvFps, 
            FrameWidth = opt.YuvWidth,
            FrameHeight = opt.YuvHeight,
            ColorFormat = opt.YuvColor.Id,
            ScanType = ScanType.Progressive

        var inpin = new MediaPin {
            StreamInfo = instream

        var insocket = new MediaSocket {
            StreamType = PrimoSoftware.AVBlocks.StreamType.UncompressedVideo,
            File = opt.YuvFile



        // Configure output
        var outsocket = MediaSocket.FromPreset(opt.OutputPreset.Name);
        outsocket.File = opt.OutputFile;


        bool res = transcoder.Open();
        PrintError("Open Transcoder", transcoder.Error);
        if (!res)
            return false;

        res = transcoder.Run();
        PrintError("Run Transcoder", transcoder.Error);
        if (!res)
            return false;


    return true;