Reading stream information#

This section describes how to use MediaInfo to read audio and video stream information from a file.

The code snippets in this section are from the info_stream_file AVBlocks sample.

Create a MediaInfo object#

Use the standard new operator to create AVBlocks objects.

using (MediaInfo info = new MediaInfo())
    // Code that uses MediaInfo goes here

Load info from file#

Set File of the default input, then call Open.

static bool PrintAVInfo(string inputFile)
    using (MediaInfo info = new MediaInfo())
        info.Inputs[0].File = inputFile;

        if (!info.Open())
            PrintError("MediaInfo Open", info.Error);
            return false;

    return true;

Enumerate audio and video streams#

  1. Use MediaInfo.Outputs to get list of output sockets

  2. For each socket, go through the MediaSocket.Pins collection

  3. For each pin, use MediaPin.StreamInfo to get the pin’s stream info

  4. For each stream, use StreamInfo.MediaType to get the stream media type, e.g. audio or video

  5. Depending on the media type, cast the generic StreamInfo object to AudioStreamInfo or VideoStreamInfo

static void PrintStreams(MediaInfo mediaInfo)
    foreach (var socket in mediaInfo.Outputs)
        Console.WriteLine("container: {0}", socket.StreamType);
        Console.WriteLine("streams: {0}", socket.Pins.Count);

        for(int streamIndex = 0; streamIndex < socket.Pins.Count; streamIndex++)
            StreamInfo si = socket.Pins[streamIndex].StreamInfo;
            Console.WriteLine("stream #{0} {1}", streamIndex, si.MediaType);
            Console.WriteLine("type: {0}", si.StreamType);
            Console.WriteLine("subtype: {0}", si.StreamSubType);
            Console.WriteLine("id: {0}", si.ID);
            Console.WriteLine("duration: {0:f3}", si.Duration);

            if (MediaType.Video == si.MediaType)
                VideoStreamInfo vsi = si as VideoStreamInfo;
            else if (MediaType.Audio == si.MediaType)
                AudioStreamInfo asi = si as AudioStreamInfo;
