AVC / H.264 Annex B Parser#

How to use Transcoder.Pull to parse an AVC / H.264 Annex B elementary stream.

Video Input#

As video input we use the foreman_qcif.h264 file from the AVBlocks Assets archive. After downloading and unzipping you will find foreman_qcif.h264 in the vid subdirectory.


This code takes an H.264 stream encoded according to ISO/IEC 14496 - 10 Annex B, and prints the header of each NAL (Network Abstraction Layer) unit.

Initialize AVBlocks#

static void ParseH264Stream()



Configure Transcoder#

static void ParseH264Stream(string inputFile)
    // Create an input socket from file
    var inSocket = new MediaSocket() {
        File = inputFile

    // Create an output socket with one video pin
    var outSocket = new MediaSocket();
    outSocket.Pins.Add(new MediaPin() {
        StreamInfo = new VideoStreamInfo()

    // Create Transcoder
    using (var transcoder = new Transcoder())

        if (transcoder.Open())


Call Transcoder.Pull#

static void ParseH264Stream(Transcoder transcoder)
    int fromInput = 0;
    var accessUnit = new MediaSample();

    while (transcoder.Pull(out fromInput, accessUnit))
        // Each call to Transcoder.Pull returns one Access Unit. 
        // The Access Unit may contain one or more NAL units.


Complete Program#

using System;
using System.Linq;

using PrimoSoftware.AVBlocks;

namespace H264Parser
    class Program
        // Network Abstraction Layer Unit Definitions
        enum NALUType : byte 
            UNSPEC    = 0,  // Unspecified
            SLICE     = 1,  // Coded slice of a non-IDR picture
            DPA       = 2,  // Coded slice data partition A
            DPB       = 3,  // Coded slice data partition B
            DPC       = 4,  // Coded slice data partition C
            IDR       = 5,  // Coded slice of an IDR picture
            SEI       = 6,  // Supplemental enhancement information
            SPS       = 7,  // Sequence parameter set
            PPS       = 8,  // Picture parameter set
            AUD       = 9,  // Access unit delimiter
            EOSEQ     = 10, // End of sequence                                               
            EOSTREAM  = 11, // End of stream
            FILL      = 12  // Filler data

        enum NALUPriority : byte
            DISPOSABLE  = 0,
            LOW         = 1,
            HIGH        = 2,
            HIGHEST     = 3,

        struct NALUHeader 
            public byte Data  {
                private get;
            public byte ForbiddenBit {
                get {
                    // 1 bit: (10000000)b = (80)h
                    return (byte)((Data & 0x80) >> 7);

            public NALUPriority NalUnitRefIDC
                get {
                    // 2 bits: (01100000)b = (60)h
                    return (NALUPriority)((Data & 0x60) >> 5);

            public NALUType NalUnitType
                get {
                    // 5 bits: (00011111)b = (1F)h
                    return (NALUType)(Data & 0x1F);

        static int naluIndex = 0;
        static void PrintNALUHeader(MediaBuffer buffer)
            var header = new NALUHeader() {
                Data = buffer.Bytes[buffer.DataOffset]

            Console.WriteLine("NALU Index         : {0}", naluIndex);
            Console.WriteLine("NALU Type          : {0}", header.NalUnitType);
            Console.WriteLine("NALU Reference IDC : {0}", header.NalUnitRefIDC);


        // The pseudo logic from ISO/IEC 14496 - 10 Annex B:
        //  byte_stream_nal_unit(NumBytesInNALunit) {
        //      while (next_bits(24) != 0x000001 && 
        //             next_bits(32) != 0x00000001)
        //          leading_zero_8bits /* equal to 0x00 */
        //      if (next_bits(24) != 0x000001)
        //          zero_byte /* equal to 0x00 */
        //      if (more_data_in_byte_stream()) {
        //          start_code_prefix_one_3bytes /* equal to 0x000001 */
        //          nal_unit(NumBytesInNALunit)
        //      }
        //      while (more_data_in_byte_stream() && 
        //             next_bits(24) != 0x000001 && 
        //             next_bits(32) != 0x00000001)
        //          trailing_zero_8bits /* equal to 0x00 */
        //  }
        static void ParseAccessUnit(MediaBuffer buffer)
            // This parsing code assumes that MediaBuffer contains 
            // a single Access Unit of one or more complete NAL Units
            while (buffer.DataSize > 1)
                int dataOffset = buffer.DataOffset;
                int dataSize = buffer.DataSize;
                byte[] data = buffer.Bytes.Skip(dataOffset).Take(4).ToArray();

                // is this a NALU with a 3 byte start code prefix
                if (dataSize >= 3 &&
                    0x00 == data[0] &&
                    0x00 == data[1] &&
                    0x01 == data[2])
                    // advance in the buffer
                    buffer.SetData(dataOffset + 3, dataSize - 3);

                // OR is this a NALU with a 4 byte start code prefix
                else if (dataSize >= 4 &&
                         0x00 == data[0] &&
                         0x00 == data[1] &&
                         0x00 == data[2] &&
                         0x01 == data[3])
                    // advance in the buffer
                    buffer.SetData(dataOffset + 4, dataSize - 4);

                    // advance in the buffer
                    buffer.SetData(dataOffset + 1, dataSize - 1);

                // NOTE: Some NALUs may have a trailing zero byte. The `while` 
                // condition `buffer.DataSize > 1` will effectively 
                // skip the trailing zero byte.

        static void ParseH264Stream(Transcoder transcoder)
            int fromInput = 0;
            var accessUnit = new MediaSample();

            while (transcoder.Pull(out fromInput, accessUnit))
                // Each call to Transcoder.Pull returns one Access Unit. 
                // The Access Unit may contain one or more NAL units.


        static void ParseH264Stream(string inputFile)
            // Create an input socket from file
            var inSocket = new MediaSocket() {
                File = inputFile

            // Create an output socket with one video pin
            var outSocket = new MediaSocket();
            outSocket.Pins.Add(new MediaPin() {
                StreamInfo = new VideoStreamInfo()

            // Create Transcoder
            using (var transcoder = new Transcoder())

                if (transcoder.Open())


        static void ParseH264Stream()



        static void Main(string[] args)

How to run#

Follow the steps to create a C# console application in Visual Studio but in Program.cs use the code from this article.

Copy the foreman_qcif.h264 file from the assets archive to bin/x64/Debug/net6.0 under the project’s directory.

Run the application in Visual Studio.